Read with Us!
Hi everyone! For today’s post, we filmed a thirty-minute “read with us” video, and we hope you enjoy it! I have read along with a couple of these videos before and I like how it both challenges you to read for a certain length of time and also makes you feel like you’re reading with someone else as well! We put some nice instrumental music to the video and we hope that it’ll be something nice for you to read along to if you decide to use it. 🙂
Thanks for watching!
– Amelia and Mattie Grace

One Comment
Okay, but I actually kinda love this idea. I haven’t heard of these before, but I am definitely needing to pull out my own book and continue reading. Also, you both look so ladylike while you’re reading. I make myself super comfortable and it doesn’t look video-worthy – unless I really try, haha. ❤