The Magician’s Nephew | Chapters 1 & 2
Hello everyone!
In our last post, we said that we would be discussing the first four chapters of The Magician’s Nephew, but while we were editing the video we realized that it was way too long. We decided it was best to make two parts to this video, so this week we will only be talking about chapters 1 and 2. We’re still new at this, but we hope you enjoy!
We’d love to hear any thoughts you have on The Magician’s Nephew!
Thanks for watching!
– Mattie Grace and Amelia

Great post! I am glad that I am reading it again because I had forgotten so many details and haven’t taken the time to think deeply about the series and have always wanted to! I liked you pointing out that Uncle Andrew thought it was okay for him to not keep his promise because he was one who had secret wisdom and also you mentioned to pay attention to what each of the main characters are tempted by. That is something I would like to be more aware of as I read! I cannot wait to hear more of your thoughts to challenge my thinking. I never learned to think critically from reading works like this and hope you both can help me think deeper about this wonderful book series!
Mari Beth Moreland
The comment was from me, Mom! 🙂