• Morning Thoughts

    Hello everyone! It’s Mattie. Amelia and I talk a lot about seeing the beauty in our everyday lives on this blog. We don’t really talk about the darkness that makes looking for the light so important. I wrote a little “poem”, if you will, and I wanted to share it with you. These words aren’t answers, or comfort, or encouragement. These words are merely a baring of my heart, the echoes of feelings I’ve had for a while. I don’t know if they make a whole lot of sense, I’m not a poet, and they don’t really go together, but here they are. When darkness falls and silence reigns, I’m…

  • A Little Progress Goes a Long Way

    Hello everyone! Mattie writing today.I wanted to share a little about something I’ve been doing recently. For the past few months, I have been trying hard to turn two things I want to do into habits. The first is writing. While it may seem strange because I write on this blog, writing has never really been my thing. Sometimes I enjoy it, other times it seems like pulling teeth would be easier than trying to put my thoughts on a page. But ever since I participated in NaNoWriMo with Amelia last year, it made me realize I wanted to write, or at least wanted to want to write. Even though I failed miserably…

  • Finding My Secret Gardens

    A few days ago, while I was at work, I remembered something. I was tired, bored, ready to go home; I was generally just fed up and grumpy. But as I worked, I remembered something that I hadn’t thought of in years. When I was in my younger teens, I decided almost subconsciously that I would start to see the beauty in everyday life.  I’ve been reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, and it has awakened a wonder for the world around me that I think I had lost. The joy the children see as the spring arrives, and the wonder they have as they watch everything grow…