Picking Each Other’s Spring TBRs!
Hi, everyone!
We thought it would be fun to pick each other’s TBRs for the spring and talk about those books a little! We each picked five books for the other sister and it was a lot of fun to see what books the other picked for us. 🙂 Thank you for watching!
– Amelia and Mattie Grace

Oh, that was so fun to watch! I love to see your interactions with each other and seeing you laugh together makes me smile! 😀
Amelia Love
Oh thank you so much! I’m so glad our video could bring you a little joy
That’s such an interesting and fun thing to do! I really enjoyed watching it, and I always look forward to Monday afternoons just to see your posts. <3
Amelia Love
Oh thank you so much; that is super kind of you to say! <3