Morning Thoughts
Hello everyone! It’s Mattie.
Amelia and I talk a lot about seeing the beauty in our everyday lives on this blog. We don’t really talk about the darkness that makes looking for the light so important. I wrote a little “poem”, if you will, and I wanted to share it with you. These words aren’t answers, or comfort, or encouragement. These words are merely a baring of my heart, the echoes of feelings I’ve had for a while. I don’t know if they make a whole lot of sense, I’m not a poet, and they don’t really go together, but here they are.
When darkness falls and silence reigns,
I’m struck with a sudden sorrow.
I look around, but all I see;
A gladness I wish I could borrow.

I mourn that which is taken away,
I mourn the dying and the dead,
But living souls are all I mourn
When lying In my bed.

Is it wrong to be happy?
Or is it wrong to mourn?
When someone loved has left your side,
Your heart is surely torn.

The beauty of an early sunrise
Doesn’t take the pain away
But it readies me with soft and golden hues
For that which will come my way.

Mourning isn’t sinful,
For whether we laugh or weep,
There is a time for both of them.
And joy will surely reap.

This probably will only resonate with a few people, but the loss of someone still living is a hard pain to bear. I know God has everything in his hands, but I believe there is a time to mourn, a time when we shouldn’t overlook pain and grief. Sometimes I fall into the trap of being happy, and I think I just wanted to acknowledge my pain and say: “It’s okay to feel this way.”
I hope you all have a joyful week, and thank you for reading!
– Mattie Grace

That was so beautiful, Mattie! ❤
Mattie Grace
Thank you, Lillian!
Loosing someone still alive is something I too have mourned.❤️And it’s so true that there is a time to mourn. We must face the shadows to see the light behind them, right?
Diane Roark
Mattie Grace, You said it so well. Your post is beautiful and will help many people. It is extremely difficult to grieve someone you love so dearly but separated from. I can definitely relate. Praying God will continue to use you, Amelia and your blog to encourage others.