May Journal Spreads
Hello! This is Amelia. I’m going to show you some of my May journal spreads! Again, this was another month of experiments, but I am sure that every month of spreads will be that way as I try to figure out what works best for me! There are plenty of things I would change now with these, as well as a few things I will probably take to the next month!
This cover page was kind of a last minute idea that I decided to go with, and that definitely shows through! I am not a fan of the flowers I drew on this page, but because May is my mom’s birth-month I wanted to incorporate Black-Eyed Susans into my design because it is her favorite type of flower!

I liked this design of a sleep log better than last month’s, where I put every day in a separate box and it took up two pages instead of one! Honestly, I wish I could come up with a better/different way to do this page because this layout is way over-used.

For next month I’m going to try to make this page not such a jumbled mess! 🙂 I might use two pages for this one just because of how close together each line is. But I’m definitely going to keep this page in for the months to come because I love looking back on the things I did that I probably would have forgotten about!

This month was a very bad reading month for me! On top of essays and tests for finishing up school, I was just very tired every time I sat down to read. I will most likely have another book to add to this list by the end of May, but I will try much harder next month! Reference:

I haven’t filled this out yet, mainly because I’m not exactly sure what I am going to put in each box. On past months I have been able to think of the songs I listened to the most and which ones were most relevant to me very quickly, but this month has been harder for me because I didn’t listen to as much music as I normally do! Reference:

I definitely did not exercise as much as I wanted to this month, but this chart helps me see what I need to do more! I kind of forgot to fill out some days, so I’m not exactly sure how accurately I did this!

Hey everyone, Mattie here!
This month, I wanted to try hard to come up with my own designs and not use any references. For some crazy reason I chose birds as this month’s theme. I rarely draw birds, I’m not very good at them when I do, so this month was quite hard for me. But, it turned out better than I thought it would! 🙂 Bird reference here.

One of the hardest parts was incorporating birds onto each spread. As you can see, I kind of just slapped some silhouettes on the top of each page and called it good. 😀 I also wanted to have a color scheme, in this case mauve, springy green, and gray.

This page is definitely an experiment. It’s hard to find or create a nice design that’s not too complicated but still looks good. I think it was better for me to have all of the logs on one page, rather than doing daily food logs on separate pages.

In my quest to read 100 books in a year, I am very far behind. I wanted to read at least 10 books this month, but as the days rolled by, I knew I wouldn’t make it because I was not reading very often. This made me put this page off for a while, and then not put a whole lot of effort into it once I got around to it (I also couldn’t figure out how to fit a bird into it :). But, there is always next month!

I must say, I was proud of this one when I made it. I managed to get the color scheme, a bird, and a whole week of lists into these two pages, and I was excited to finally complete that! Bird reference here.

Thank you for reading our post!
– Amelia and Mattie Grace

Monica Moreland
Wow Amelia! Very very impressive. I love your flowers and birds. Your space for eating and exercise is very helpful and important! You are very organized and neat! I looove it! That helps me think how I can more creatively journal! Love this and love you! Aunt Monica
Jasmine Autumn XD
These journal spreads are fantastic! You guys are so creative and very inspiring! Thanks for the post, I really enjoyed reading it 😀