“It is finished.” (Happy Easter!)
Hello everyone! Mattie writing. (:
I hope you all had a great Easter yesterday!
I had a thought I wanted to share with you about Easter.
I was finishing up a design for an Easter card, and was wondering if I should put “Happy Easter!” on the front when something popped into my head: It is finished.
A long time ago, I heard or read something about this quote from John 19:30, and it struck me all over again. When Jesus died on the cross and rose again, he did everything that was needed to save me. Everything.
Sometimes I find myself doing good things just because I think I need to to be saved. But nothing I do could ever help, because it’s already been done. Loving my enemy, or helping others does not save me. While those things are good and things we are called to do, I think we can put too much stock in our own selves. We can’t do anything, because Jesus already did it all.

There have been many times when I have felt like I am not enough, like I am not doing enough. But Jesus saved me all the way. He didn’t say, “Mattie, I’m going to save you 50%, now if you can go save yourself another 50%, I’ll see you in heaven.”
I’d be completely lost if that were the case! Jesus has given me complete salvation, 100% free, if I choose it. So I don’t want to diminish his sacrifice by thinking I can do anything more. It is finished.
These are just some random thoughts, and I’m not sure if they quite make sense, but this was something I needed to hear again, and maybe some of you did too!
Thanks for reading!
– Mattie Grace

Amen, Mattie! Yes, the price has been paid once for all.
Amen! Thank you Mattie for the reminder of God’s grace for us. Like you said, if Jesus only paid for some of our sins we would be completely helpless.