Giveaway Winners! + Things We’ve Enjoyed Lately
Hello everyone!
It’s time to announce the winners of our giveaway!! Thank you so much to everyone who entered into the giveaway! We really appreciate it! We decided to pick two winners instead of just one because we had enough prizes to give away! We wrote down all the entree names and drew two out of a hat. The winners are . . . .
Lillian Burrow
Anna Grace
Congratulations!! Just send us an email at with your address and we will send you your prizes!
Now we’re going to share some of the things we’ve enjoyed over the past two months!
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
by Eric Metaxas

This is a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor and theologian during World War II. I had heard of him, and had even read a short book about him, but I didn’t really know exactly who he was or what he did. This is a long book – over 500 pages – but in my opinion, it is totally worth the time and effort. Eric Metaxas is deep and thorough as he takes us through Bonhoeffer’s life, from birth to death. It is sad, yet hopeful, interesting, thought-provoking, and deeply moving. It is hard to imagine living through the horrors of WWII, but something we should never forget. If you are interested in WWII, biographies, or inspiring people, and you don’t mind a bit of a long scholarly read, then I highly recommend this book!
Sky: A True Story of Resistance During World War II
by Hanneke Ippisch

I read this book for a history project that I was researching on the Resistance movement of WWII. It was not only informative, but an exciting and influential book full of suffering and heartbreak. It was hard for me to believe that the things that went on throughout this short autobiography were actually real occurrences! The book focuses on Hanneke Ippisch’s experiences as a late teenager in Nazi occupied Holland as she worked for the Resistance. It was both fascinating and devastating to read about all she did and suffered for in this horrible time in history. I would definitely recommend it to anyone, and especially those who find themselves wanting to know more about what went on for the civilians of WWII.
Departures by Jon Foreman – 2021

Jon Foreman is the lead singer of Switchfoot, a band our whole family has listened to ever since I (Amelia) can remember. I discovered his solo albums a few years back and was very excited to hear that a new one was releasing in 2021! Though this album wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, both Mattie and I have really enjoyed listening to this pretty diverse collection of songs. Some of our favorites include: Jesus, I Have My Doubts, Love Is The Rebel Song, and The Valley Of The Shadow Of Planned Obsolescence.
Constant Comment – Bigelow

For the past two months, Amelia and I have been drinking a tea called Constant Comment quite a lot! It’s a black tea with a bit of an orange citrus flavor. Amelia and I often go through tea phases, where we drink one kind of tea all the time, and this was one we definitely enjoyed! Interestingly, Constant Comment is the tea that started the Bigelow tea company. It is called Constant Comment, because Ruth C. Bigelow, the founder, hosted a tea party with the new tea blend, and it got “constant comments”.
We’ve also been enjoying bike riding! Now that it’s spring and the days are warmer, it’s been a lot of fun to get outside and enjoy riding around and seeing nature!

Thank you for reading!
– Mattie Grace and Amelia

One Comment
I just checked out Bonhoeffer from our library and I’m really excited to read it! 🙂