First Post Q&A

For our first post, we thought we would do a Q&A so that you can get to know us better!
1. 3 fears?
Amelia: Heights, public speaking, and change.
Mattie: Public speaking, big dogs, bugs (except for ladybugs and butterflies, of course).
2. 5 things that you like/make you happy right now?
A:Music, journaling, the warm weather, skateboarding, Adventures in Odyssey!
M: Reading a lot more than I have been in a long time, journaling, rollerblading again now that it is warmer, having the free trial of the Odyssey Adventure Club, playing the piano.
3. Dream Job
A:to be a musician/pianist
M: My dream job would be a historical seamstress for movies or plays or something. Or a mom. Or both 🙂
4. Top five hobbies and why you love them
A:I love listening to music because I relate to music more than anything else, and I like playing music because it’s so fun and I hope to get good enough to get better at songwriting! I love to read because I love to hear other people’s point of view and read about other people’s lives that are both true and fictional. I love drawing because it’s so fun to be able to create things that never existed before! I love to longboard/skateboard because it’s a very fun way to get outside and think or talk to people about things! And I like to knit because, though I am still a beginner, it’s fun to see different shapes and patterns form out of a ball of yarn and some needles!
M: 1. Reading – I love being able to go on adventures all while sitting on my bed! I also love to learn and grow with the characters in the story. Sewing – For one, I love getting new clothes, like most girls my age do, but I also love to create. And being able to wear and be proud of something that I have made is nice! Drawing – A lot of the time I just draw historical dresses, or random faces, or book characters. I’m not super skilled at this hobby, and though I do all of my hobbies because I have fun, this is one that I mostly do just because it is fun. I like that I can create something without having to spend weeks working on it. Thrift Shopping – Not sure if this one is a hobby, but I love searching through people’s old stuff, finding old books and teacups and fabric, which are the three things I always search for. It also helps that everything is significantly cheaper (seriously, people buy books for twenty dollars??). Rollerblading – Something about rolling along really fast with the wind rushing past me is appealing. Rollerblading is faster than walking, and sometimes I just want to go as fast as I can.
5. Typical day in your current life
A:A lot of my day is spent doing school work, but I also spend time pursuing my hobbies as well as any kind of work I have to do for the day!
M: In the morning I read my Bible and pick up my room, or go to class depending on what day it is. It takes me a while to start school (I am not a morning person), but a lot of the day I spend doing school. I take a lot of breaks in between school where I read, sew, knit, journal, etc. At some point, Amelia and I usually take a walk or go rollerblading/skateboarding. When I go to bed I always read for at least 30 minutes.
6. 5 Weaknesses and 5 strengths
A:Weaknesses: verbalizing my thoughts, staying calm, having confidence, saying no, indecisive.
Strengths: humorous, trustworthy, honest, loyal, thoughtful.
M: Weaknesses: bad at talking to people, staying consistent, trouble saying no, lack of confidence, indecisive.
Strengths: helpful, resourceful, thoughtful, laid back, creative.
7. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A: A polar bear! (according to a quiz :D)
M: Bear (? I took an animal quiz (which honestly, why did I do that?) and that was my answer, but I don’t really know if that is true!)
8. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
A: Playing music 🙂
M: Sewing 🙂
9. Where would you live if you could live anywhere and why?
A: I wouldn’t want to leave Idaho, but if I had to choose, I would want to live in a castle in Europe!
M: I love living in Idaho, but if I had to choose I would want to live in Ireland or Scotland. I like the accents and the scenery is beautiful.
10. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
A: Probably the power to teleport because of all the places I want to go someday!
M: Teleportation
11. What do you think people misunderstand most about you?
A: People always think I’m very quiet and shy because I act that way in crowds and gatherings, but I’m very loud with my family and close friends!
M: People think that I am super quiet at home because I am super quiet when I am around other people, but you should here me! Singing, yelling, running up and down the stairs, the cacophony I can make is quite astonishing!
Thank you for reading! We will be posting again soon!
– Mattie Grace and Amelia
All of the questions were found online.

One Comment
Jasmine Autumn
It’s fun to see the differences and similarities between you two! Thanks for sharing!