Book Haul #3
Hello, everyone!
We’re very sorry for taking a long, unintentional break, as well as posting on Tuesday instead of Monday. Mattie got a job recently and has been working around ten-hour days since. On her one day off, we were able to record a blog post, and now we are finally posting it for you! We hope you enjoy this video!
Thanks for watching!
– Amelia and Mattie Grace

You guys amaze me!! Can’t wait to hear some of the reviews of your new finds!!!
Thrift stores are amazing places to shop for books! And it looks like you’ve got some good ones. 😉 Hinds Feet on High Places is my favorite book of all time. I also really love Hattie Big Sky and The Chosen, I hope you like those 🙂
This inspired me to start reading more, I’ve kinda fallen out of it lately. Thanks!
Y’all are absolutely the cutest!!!!!! I love that y’all love to read! I wish I had loved to read when I was your age! Y’all have read so many great books !!!!I also love the music you put with these videos!!!! Love y’all! Aunt Melinda!
It’s always exciting to get some new books; looks like you found some good reads! 🙂