Blessings From My Week – A Picture a Day
Hey, everyone! It’s Amelia writing today.
I thought it would be fun to challenge myself to take a picture each day of the week and share those here! Going off of the unintentional theme we’ve had lately on our blog about finding the blessings in our ordinary lives, I hoped this would be a good challenge for me. My intention for this post was in no way to try to show how “good” my life is, but just to show my highlights from a pretty ordinary week in my life. My life is pretty “ordinary”, so I think that this was really helpful for me to start looking harder for the blessings I experience each and every day!

Monday – Mattie and I wrote that night, and I made it to 70,000 words in my story! It’s always exciting when another 10,000 words are written. 🙂 Though I haven’t made too much progress since NanoWrimo, I’m at least glad to say that I’ve been enjoying writing much more than I had a little while ago.

Tuesday – Tuesday was just a normal school day, but in the evening I went on a walk with Mattie and there was a very beautiful sunset!

Wednesday – Another normal school day. I’ve recently been trying to make my studying more enjoyable by playing study videos, making my work spaces look (sort of) nice, and by switching up my locations between subjects. I’ve found that these little details have really helped me in gaining more of a routine and just make school work more interesting!

Thursday – I made some progress on The Other Bennet Sister which was on my spring TBR. I really ended up enjoying this book, even though it was definitely a little long and maybe just a bit boring at times. 🙂 If you like Jane Austen, I would definitely recommend this book!

Friday – Mattie and I took advantage of a gift card I had and got some ice cream! We don’t do things like that super often, so it was really fun to go and have a little special outing. (even if we ended up getting a little bit more ice cream than we were expecting XD )

Saturday – I had a piano recital on Saturday. Though I definitely didn’t play as good as I wanted to, I try to remind myself how much of a blessing it is to get to play for an audience! Even though I get nervous and don’t like when I mess up, it’s nice to be able to share my love for the piano with others to hopefully give them something pleasant to listen to for just a few minutes of their day. 🙂

Sunday – Even though Mattie wasn’t able to attend my recital because she was working, she surprised me with these beautiful flowers when she got off of work! I wasn’t expecting her to do that at all and was super blessed by how thoughtful it was of her to give these to me! Getting these flowers was just one more thing I can add to the list of things I can be so thankful for. 🙂
I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe it inspired you to challenge yourself to do the same! It might not be through pictures, but there are so many ways to look for the good things in ordinary life. My mom keeps a journal of her daily blessings which has really inspired me to try to look for mine own! Thanks for reading. 🙂
– Amelia

I LOVED this post and seeing how you were able to find beauty in every day life!! Makes my heart happy!! Thank you for inspiring others to always look for blessings EVEN WHEN life seems hard…..and yes, some days I admit I have to look extra hard to find them!! : ) My best friend, Holly, encouraged me to start writing down blessings every day about 2 years ago and it has helped me be more grateful! I’m surprised I have been able to keep it going….not always every day but most days! I love you!! Mom
Thank you! You’ve been so diligent to continue going with it for these two years! Thanks for commenting, love you too! 🙂