Picking Each Other’s Spring TBRs!
Hi, everyone! We thought it would be fun to pick each other’s TBRs for the spring and talk about those books a little! We each picked five books for the other sister and it was a lot of fun to see what books the other picked for us. 🙂 Thank you for watching! – Amelia and Mattie Grace
Cozy Weekend Reading Vlog!
Hello everyone! Today we just have a fun little video we filmed a few weeks ago. It was a lot of fun to make, and we hope you enjoy it! – Mattie Grace and Amelia
Decorating Valentine’s Day Cookies! (+ talking about books)
Hello everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day! In this video, we talk about characters who have the attributes of love from 1 Corinthians 13, while we decorate some cookies! We hope you enjoy! Thanks for watching! – Mattie Grace and Amelia
Reading Our Favorite Childhood Books!
Hi, everyone! A couple of weeks ago we read through some of our favorite childhood books and we videoed along the way! We hope you enjoy seeing our thoughts on these books and we’d love to hear what some of your favorites were when you were younger. Thank you for watching! – Amelia and Mattie Grace
Book Haul #5 | Thrifted, Christmas, and More!
Hello everyone! Today we posted another book haul on our YouTube channel. We had fun talking about our new books and we hope you enjoy watching it! Thanks for watching! – Mattie Grace and Amelia