Afternoon Tea
Hi everyone!
Last week, we went to the European Delicatessen near our house for the first time. We wanted to buy some tea and to look around the store. They have a wide selection of tea, as well as food from many different European countries. Most of the packaging was in different languages, so deciding what we should buy was a challenge. Along with our tea, we also bought some cookies and chocolate.
We purchased English Afternoon tea, which is very similar to English Breakfast tea, but Afternoon tea has bergamot in it, which is a citrus fruit.

We liked this tea! It was a little bitter, but once we added cream and sugar it cut most of the bitterness out. We probably wouldn’t buy this again, mainly because we want to try new kinds of tea before buying the same tea twice.

We are almost certain that these cookies are Ukrainian. They are apparently the flavor “baked milk” which we didn’t realize until after we had bought them. They had other flavors at the store, but we went by the color of the packaging because we didn’t realize there was an English label on the back.

These cookies are rather different from the cookies you would find in America, but we both liked them. They aren’t quite as sweet as your average cookie, and they kind of remind us of a sweet buttery cracker. We really liked having them with our tea, as well as just eating them on their own.

This is German chocolate with a hazelnut filling. We haven’t had Nutella in years, but that was the first thing that came to mind when we tried these chocolates because of the hazelnuts.

We liked these chocolates, but because they are very similar to Nutella, we would probably try something different next time.

We enjoyed everything that we tried, and it was interesting and fun to try food from other cultures! We hope to go back to the European Delicatessen sometime and try more new things!
Thank you for reading!
– Mattie Grace and Amelia

Holly Hook
I love how you both are willing to try new things!! Way to go!
M Holley
I’ve never heard of that store! I will have to check it out, sounds enjoyable!