A Reflection on January
I don’t know about you, but this month has felt almost like three months in one. Sometimes, I don’t like it when time moves slowly, and I wish it would all move faster. But, this month, I have been very grateful for how slow the time has been moving, because I know that, as this year goes by, time is going to fly away.
This spring is a unique time for me. Events that I have waited many, many years for are taking place, and it can be challenging to figure out how to soak it all up when it happens. I am happily taking this time as a season of waiting, preparing, and living for the special moments that are happening right now.

The Cold Makes Me Bitter
That might sound a bit dramatic, but I really have been impatient for winter to finally leave us. The cold has been very bearable, but, in the last few years, I have craved the spring and impatiently waited for its arrival. This year, though, I am trying not to wish winter away as quickly as possible, but to enjoy it as it is. Easier said than done, when I want to go on a nice, warm walk and find that I have to bundle up and avoid all the icy patches. Not to mention the blogging challenges that come with a series of dreary days (aka, no natural sunlight). But the blue skies are finally showing through and I am waiting for the warmer months a bit more contently this season.

My Past Struggles Are Not So Present
Lately, I have found myself at peace with many of my past struggles. What I used to constantly wrestle with doesn’t look so daunting, and I have been enjoying the peace I’ve felt. I’m finding that, despite the holes I feel in my life, I am not made less whole because of them. I’m not quite sure if that makes sense, or if I even understand it… But God has been showing me that my worth is not found in what I lack, but in what I have through His strength. I don’t feel as much of a need to strive towards what I think will fulfill me; I feel the need to grow in Him to make me the person that He has called me to be. This has been a long time coming, and I am grateful that this realization is finally becoming more clear to me.

Creativity is Coming Back Around
For a while, I was feeling very drained creatively, and just did not feel the desire to create anything at all. It is normal to go through these seasons, but I am very glad that creativity is coming back to me, because I have missed it dearly. I don’t know exactly where my creativity will take me at this point, but, right now, it looks like testing the water, and getting ready to jump back in.
– Amelia

Beautiful thoughts.
Amelia Love
Thank you!
Holly Rachels Hook
Amelia, you did such a great job and what a compelling writing and inspiring. So proud of your stance of “in the waiting” and praying for the Good things God has in stored for you!
Amelia Love
Thank you for your comment and kind words!