A Message in the Clouds
Hello everyone! It’s Mattie.
Today I wanted to share with you something that Amelia has taught me to appreciate. That thing is clouds. It sounds weird, but it’s true. A small lesson in clouds has taught me a lot.

Amelia has always loved the sky, and she would point it out every time she thought it was beautiful. This used to annoy me because she would gasp in excitement, and I would run over thinking something amazing had happened. It was usually just the sky she was excited about.

I always thought it was beautiful, but I never really cared like she did.

But somehow, over time, I came to appreciate the sky and the clouds, almost as much as she did.

Instead of being annoyed when she exclaimed over the sky, I was glad to see her happy, and I looked at the beautiful clouds and smiled.

And though these pictures certainly aren’t masterpieces, I think the sky can speak for itself.

I don’t want to just gush over the sky, but to also give you an invitation to appreciate the small things. To let someone or something in your life change you, help you to see something in a different way, as Amelia did me. My example may seem silly, but I really did get annoyed by her, and her joy and gladness in the sky has made me see life differently.

Now, every time I see fluffy clouds or a beautiful sunset, I think of growth and softening hearts, and I think of my sister. And it makes it all the sweeter.

Thanks for reading!
– Mattie Grace

One Comment
Daphne Lavi
Such a nice message thank you so much for sharing!! :))