1 Year Anniversary Blog Giveaway!
Hey, everyone!
This month we hit the ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY of our blog!! 🥳🥳🎈🎉✨🎊 To celebrate, we thought it would be fun to host a giveaway! We filmed a video explaining the details:
The giveaway is open today, Monday 19, until Saturday, May 1. We’ve had a lot of fun so far designing and creating the gifts that will be won, but we haven’t finished them yet, so we will update you next week with some pictures of the prizes!
Here’s a list of the gifts that will be included:
- A few bookmarks
- Some stickers
- Tea bags
- Quotes
Thanks for reading!
-Amelia and Mattie Grace

Lillian Burrow
Has it really been 1 year?! I remember that first email announcing that you guys were starting a blog together. It’s been so fun to see your posts throughout the year and I look forward to seeing what is to come in the future!
Oh thank you so much! We can’t believe it’s been a year either! :O
Congratulations, Amelia and Mattie!! Great job keeping to it and going for a whole year! I can’t wait to see all that you do in the future, and thanks for letting me tag along with you and follow your lives in your blog. 😉
– Erynn McKelvy
Thank you so much! And thanks for sticking with us as we learn as we go through this blog! 😀
Congratulations on a whole year!! I just recently discovered your blog, but I love getting to watch the videos you put out. Can’t wait to follow along this year as well!
~ Josie Praytor
Thank you so much for looking at our blog + videos! It means a lot to us! 🙂
Carissa Maxwell
Amelia and Mattie congratulations on making it to a whole year with your blog! I love watching your videos and reviews on the books you read, as I also love to read. I have no doubts that one day your blog will touch so many people you can’t count them all. I look forward to seeing your blog for many more years to come.
– Carissa Maxwell
Oh thank you so much for your encouragement, Carissa! We appreciate it SO much! 🙂
I can’t believe it’s been a year!!!! Y’all have done a great job!! I love reading your blog and watching your videos! Y’all are so talented And so cute!!!!! Great job girls!!!!!
Thank you so much, Aunt Melinda!! We so appreciate your comments and support!! 🙂